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Day 1 - Efudix

Day 1


My name is Clayton and I recently had it affirmed by my GP that I should undergo Efudix (brand name) chemotherapy for emerging solar keratoses (actinic keratosis) and possible precancerous squamous cell carcinoma. Over the past year I have had solar keratoses emerge on my left jaw line and several on the right side of my face in what I'll call the 'side-burn zone' in front of my ear.

Simply put, Doc has said that drug exposure is for 21 days.  It is a chemotherapy that should only ever be considered in the colder months.  Further, he was upfront and told me it would be challenging.  Every other Blog I have read in preparation this weekend confirms that advice. The treatment was described by a pharmacist that I spoke to as "...aggressive", not what you particularly want to hear, but there you go.

The whole thing is a little scary if I'm honest. But as a typical kid growing up in the 1970's in Queensland, playing cricket, AFL and all before ol' Norm launched into the national conscience with his Slip, Slop, Slap message (1981), well...there is going to be a reckoning. Hopefully this is mine and this is what it takes to pay the 'invoice' I racked up during my childhood and the days that followed.

I've been advised and intend treating my whole face including forehead. Treatment arc is approximately 40-50 another month (at least), post treatment, to regain a 'normality' of appearance.

Fears and doubts at this point:  
  • shaving from days 8-25
  • the general effect on loved ones, particularly my wife
  • won't have the courage to endure the side effects of the treatment
I'm going to try and stay at work across Days 2-6 but I'm not sure how that will go, especially with the embargo on any UV radiation exposure and other reactions my body might have to the chemical.

I'll take photos as I go in the hope that it might help others.  

I also hope that it promotes the use of high SPF sunscreen in anyone who becomes a reader.

Feel free to comment and ask questions...


First application.  Nothing noticeable yet.  Just a very slight sense of the skin around my eyes tightening perhaps, but barely noticeable.

I'm very aware of touching my face and inadvertently spreading the chemical to parts of my body where it should not go i.e. the eyes and mouth.  I have read that you'll only ever get it in your eyes once!

Learning:  I'm inclined to touch my face a fair bit!  Maybe I'm not that unusual, just hyper-aware at the moment when my hands go near my face.  

So it begins...


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