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Showing posts from April, 2018

Day 9 - No Matter How Small

This blog is to help others contemplating this treatment. Day 9 - No Matter How Small A definite tightening in the skin.  Feels a bit like your skin might split as you flex your facial muscles - just don't flex! The sting was there again this morning on re-application but it passes in ten minutes. Some intensely itchy spots but they pass, nothing that can't be handled.  Sleep still reasonable nothing to note there except to say that if sleep was impacted it would amplify the challenge considerably. To the cells that I keep bombarding - keep defending yourselves.  Life must defend itself.  But know that I have you surrounded (for now). Tomorrow is approximately halfway. Left side Right side  Day 9 Learning: “Life will defend itself no matter how small it is.” Yann Martel, Life of Pi       

Day 8 - A Confirmation Bias?

This blog is to help others contemplating this treatment. Day 8 Of all the Blogs I've read on the internet there was something in common about Day 8 being the gateway to the next phase.  Now this might be a form of confirmation bias but...I have to agree.  For the first time this morning the cream stung when I put it on, it lasted about ten minutes and has gone again (thank goodness).  In the pictures below I have just applied the cream, whole face, and some of it hasn't completely absorbed yet, you can see the white smudge in places. Sleep has been OK thus far, I cover my pillow case with another pillow case and I alternate washing those extra pillowcases so that I have a fresh case each night so as to prevent spreading the cream to my ears, mouth and eyes as much as possible. It's pretty clear where the lesions will consolidate now, I understand that they are likely to spread and 'join-up' before erupting into the erosion phase. Itching hasn't be

Day 7

This blog is to help others contemplating this treatment. Day 7 Starting to get a little spontaneous bleeding from a couple of small spots.  Nothing that can't be controlled with a bit of tissue.  The low itch continues, intensifies in spots, then goes, it can be distracting.  Shaving carefully. 'Side-burn zone' on both sides of my face is where the action is going to be. Couple of spots on forehead and 3-4 on my nose, thought there'd be more but better not speak too soon and what I have is enough! Learning: “One minute of patience, ten years of peace.” ~ Greek proverb

Days 3-4

This blog is to help others contemplating this treatment. Days 3-4 Treatment: Efudix - whole face - 21 days exposure planned - GP review at day 19. This is being written at the start of Day 4 - ANZAC Day .  No ceremony for me, the first I'll have missed in 15 years, just can't do the UV. I can see increased redness, perhaps you'll notice it too in the comparison to Day 1.  Nothing startling in a visual sense yet.  I see little red spots that weren't there 4 days ago - you probably won't pick them up in the comparison photos. I am constantly aware that something is happening in my skin. I'm aware that my face feels like it is gradually getting 'tighter'. It also manifests as light tingling which comes and goes, but it can also progress to a little local itchiness.  That's when you have to check yourself on the 'auto-response' to scratch.  I don't want this stuff on my fingers.   Shaving this morning was diff

Day 2

This blog is to help others contemplating this treatment. Day Two Not a lot of change from a visual perspective but I was aware that something was going on across my skin today. I have had a light headache most of the day and I seldom get any form of headaches (ever). Some brief itching...a little tingling in spots..but nothing that I couldn't distract myself from. Learning:  Distraction is a useful strategy for mild symptoms.

Day 1 - Efudix

Day 1 Hi.   My name is Clayton and I recently had it affirmed by my GP that I should undergo Efudix (brand name) chemotherapy for emerging solar keratoses (actinic keratosis) and possible precancerous squamous cell carcinoma. Over the past year I have had solar keratoses emerge on my left jaw line and several on the right side of my face in what I'll call the 'side-burn zone' in front of my ear. Simply put, Doc has said that drug exposure is for 21 days.  It is a chemotherapy that should only ever be considered in the colder months.  Further, he was upfront and told me it would be challenging.  Every other Blog I have read in preparation this weekend confirms that advice. The treatment was described by a pharmacist that I spoke to as "...aggressive", not what you particularly want to hear, but there you go. The whole thing is a little scary if I'm honest. But as a typical kid growing up in the 1970's in Queensland, playing cricket, AFL and all be